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Jul 6, 2021

Sleeman Breweries Beer Club

Did you know that we have an employee Beer Club at Sleeman?!

The Sleeman Beer Club started in 2014 by Chris Williams, our in-house Brewing Innovation Technologist. We caught up with Chris to learn more about the club…

How did Beer Club start?

It started with a small group of employees who were passionate about beer and wanted to share samples of beers they were enjoying. In place of just buying the recommended beer and giving a bottle to everyone, we decided to meet together, enjoy beer and add an educational element.

How has virtual Beer Club been going thus far?

Virtual Beer Club has been a hit. It has allowed us to expand the experience to national employees, which has been great. We do of course miss socializing together and enjoying our craft.

What do you love about beer club?

I love the passion our employees have for the craft, the learning, the camaraderie, and the appreciation of flavour. Most of the regular Beer Clubbers love talking about beer they like and why they like it.

What can others expect to learn / take away from our beer club experience?

I think any Beer Clubber can expect to take away what they want as an individual. Beer Club is meant to be social, informative, and entertaining.

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